Tales in 2021
By Kajitani-Eizan on March 31, 2016
Hello, fellow netizens! As it is customary for me to do some kind of update at the end of March, I figured I would do so just to say hello despite not much actually going on. Continue reading »
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged April Fools, Boring | 35 Responses
Some Fan QA for Zestiria
By Kajitani-Eizan on June 20, 2015
Bandai Namco had a localized playable demo of Tales of Zestiria available for attendees at London’s Comic Con and this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), and thanks to some fans that played it, we have some video (here: 1, 2, 3, 4) to get a sneak peek of the localized game. I’m going to be blunt here: when Hearts R videos surfaced 6 months before the game’s release, they revealed that the localization was in terrible shape. I and others called Bamco out on it and they fixed literally nothing in the following months leading up to the release. There are only 4 months left until the Zestiria release. As a longtime Tales fan with some perspective on the history of Tales localization and fantranslation, I feel I should perhaps aid their QA team with a post detailing what sorts of things are wrong with the Zestiria localization as shown in the demo.
Bamco, this post is directed at your Zestiria localization/QA team.
Posted in Localization Commentary | Tagged Tales of Zestiria | 33 Responses
Tales in 2015
By Kajitani-Eizan on March 31, 2015
We here at KAJITANI-EIZAN’s Patch Site hope you have been doing well! Since it has been a while since my scathing quasi-review of The Tales That Must Not Be Named, I figured I should give an update on what’s been going on with Tales and what sorts of Tales things I’ve been helping out with over the past couple of months. Chances are you’ve heard of much of this already unless you’ve been living under a rock, but hey. Continue reading »
Posted in General News | Tagged April Fools, Boring, Tales of Hearts, Tales of Vesperia, Tales of Zestiria | 21 Responses
A Crash Korse in How Not to Localize
By Kajitani-Eizan on November 16, 2014
Due to popular demand, I will explain exactly what Namco should have done to make this localization not be terrible! It’s really simple:
When in doubt, If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It.
If you don’t know what you’re doing, leave it the hell alone until you do. If you take this one adage to Kor, you can get far in life. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like Namco got the message. Continue reading »
Posted in Localization Commentary, Tales of Hearts | Tagged Seriously Namco?, Tales of Hearts | 54 Responses
Like Moths to a Flame
By Kajitani-Eizan on November 10, 2014
I don’t have the Heart to blog about how incredibly shitty a job they did despite having 6 months to fix it up and despite everyone telling them exactly what they did wrong. So instead, I’m going to focus on what they did right.
– They got Lithia right
– The Sleeping Beauty poem is cutely translated
– Some lines of dialogue (~40%+) aren’t a TOTAL trainwreck… 40%! That’s great, guys! That’s better than Sword Art Online!
That’s about it. You can spoil yourself if you want:
Buy it, or don’t. It barely matters. I won’t.
Posted in Localization Commentary, Tales of Hearts | Tagged Seriously Namco?, Tales of Hearts | 39 Responses
The Arte of Arte Naming
By Kajitani-Eizan on August 25, 2014
Pretty much just don’t be Namco and you’ll be fine. Continue reading »
Posted in General News, Localization Commentary | Tagged Boring, Seriously Namco?, Tales of Xillia 2 | 43 Responses
You Guys Need a Localization Director
By Kajitani-Eizan on June 12, 2014
I know I’m beating a dead horse at this point, in the forest, where no one that matters is likely to be listening, but it still has to be said. Continue reading »
Posted in Localization Commentary, Tales of Hearts | Tagged Seriously Namco?, Tales of Hearts | 47 Responses
No. No no no no no.
By Kajitani-Eizan on April 21, 2014
Namco pls. Seriously, just stop for a moment. What are you doing? Continue reading »
Posted in Localization Commentary, Tales of Hearts | Tagged Seriously Namco?, Tales of Hearts | 33 Responses
Attn: Namco: Please Fix These Things in Hearts R
By Kajitani-Eizan on April 18, 2014
It’s been confirmed that Tales of Hearts R for the Sony Playstation Vita will be coming to western shores in Winter 2014! We would like to give our thanks and congratulations to Tales producer Mr. Hideo Baba, who has followed through on his suggestion that Western Tales fans should really play Hearts and is going to make it happen. As a result, we will put the fan translation on hold. As previously stated, we don’t want to scuttle the ship that is Tales in the West by potentially lowering sales. As such, if you want to play Hearts in English, I would recommend buying the Vita version when it comes out! Continue reading »
Posted in Tales of Hearts | Tagged Boring, Tales of Hearts | 28 Responses
Zestiria: A Good (?) Release
By Kajitani-Eizan on December 31, 2015
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year, everyone! This post has been long delayed due to lack of time and lack of playing Zestiria enough, but I guess I might as well put it out there. Here are my impressions about and critique of the Zestiria release. Continue reading »
Posted in Localization Commentary | Tagged Tales of Zestiria | 5 Responses